Thursday, April 13, 2006

Lost in Product Placement

Okay, episode 2.19 was a bit boring, but it did have some interesting tidbits. The most obvious has to be that Apollo chocolate bar that was sitting in front of Locke while he was drawing the diagram. It's the same brand of bar that's been seen elsewhere in the series, most recently with Rose. Rose took an Apollo bar to give to Bernard. Any coincidence that both Locke and Rose have been miraculously healed from their ailments while on the island (Locke with his paralysis, Rose with her cancer)? There are no coincidences in this series. Something is up with the bar! I googled Apollo and found that it is a Japanese chocolate bar. It is also the name of a discontinued Hershey's bar. Given that there was no Japanese writing on the wrapper I'd bank on the latter. Now, with Henry. I think this guy is more important within the "Other's" than he is letting on. He claims to be a victim, but that evil face! Did you see him smurk when Locke was banging his fist on the door? This guy is bad news. If you look at the preview on the left hand side of the page you will see that Henry has knowledge that Anna Lucia has killed someone. How does he know that? Sure she killed Shannon, but she also killed the guy who raped her in The States. I really hope the writers will spoil us with some actual action during the last few episodes of the season.


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