Thursday, October 20, 2005

Episode 30:...And Found

Literally a lost and found episode, where Sun looses her wedding ring and finds it. It's a Jin and Sun centered episode. In the flashbacks we find out how Jin and Sun met. Jin was working as a doorman at the Seoul Gateway Hotel when Sun and a suitor come in for lunch. Sun falls for her suitor but, it turns out, the suitor already has an American girlfriend. Sun gets upset and leaves the Hotel. At the same time, Jin allows a father and his son use the hotel washroom. When his boss sees him do this he yells at Jin. Jin then quits his job and takes a walk by the river, where he accidentally bumbs into Sun, who is also taking a walk by the river. I've read a few reviews on this episode and most are negative. People think an episode based on how Jin and Sun met does not keep up with the action and suspense we are used to. I agree the episode was slow, but there is still valuable information. I can almost guarantee that in future episodes that the "Suitor's" American girlfriend will somehow come into play with this series. They wouldn't have mentioned it if it wasn't important.

On the Island, Michael, Sawyer and Jin are taken by the "Backies" (from the back of the plane) to find food. It seems as if the backies have had more experience with "The Other's" than the rest of the survivors. When Michael finds out where The Other's usually hang out he abandons the group and goes in search of Walt. Jin and Mr. Echo follow suit. Mr. Echo senses The Other's in the area and hides with Jin in the bushes (Michael is farther ahead). While hiding we see the legs of The Other's as they walk by. The last of The Other's seems to be a small child pulling behind a teddy bear attached to a rope. Mr. Echo makes the point that The Other's never leave tracks.

Kate helps Sun look for her wedding ring. While talking, Sun is obviously concerned about Jin's safety. Kate comforts her, saying that he's fine (most of the castaways believe Michael, Jin, Sawyer and Walt are still on the raft). Sun tells Kate about the bottle from the raft Claire found in the last episode. As we know, Sun promptly took the bottle and burred it. When Kate and Sun dig up the bottle Kate is obviously upset. It turns out she never said "good bye" to Sawyer and feels bad about it. While digging up the bottle Sun finds her ring.

In the preview for the next episode (to be aired in three weeks) we learn that someone will be killed off from the series. In my opinion it may be Sawyer; he got shot by The Other's on the raft and is in a lot of pain. Of course, that would be too obvious. The show always leaves us wanting more; I think it may be someone we won't expect.
*In futre episodes look for references to the suitor's American girlfriend
*Kate seems to have stronger feelings for Sawyer than what were oringinally thought
*Jin is briefly attacked by a wild boar
*One of The Other's is a child, possibly Danielle's daughter. It can't be Walt (they were white legs).
*No reference is ever made to the hatch in this episode
*Claire says it's been 4 days since the raft left the island
*It was noted in the previous episode that there were 23 survivors from the back of the plane. It looks like only 5 are still alive.


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